Or Maybe They Should be Called “Dismaying Jeans” Yeah, yeah, I know what fancy-schmancy retailers mean when they refer to “distressed jeans”: jeans whose various holes and patches somehow make them look chic ” and worth a huge mark-up (also referred to as “vintage clothing” in some quarters). My definition of “distressed jeans” is a...Read More
Establishing ” and Testing ” Boundaries If you go to the Business section of any bookstore, you’ll see any number of books on negotiation titled, “Getting to Yes!,” “Win-Win Negotiation,” etc. In my experience, however, the key to effective negotiation lies not in getting to “yes,” but getting to “no.” Or perhaps more accurately: before...Read More
One of the ways you can tell that a product is dated or out-of-fashion ” or people think it is ” is that it acquires an adjective. So, for a while, “Coke” became “New Coke.” In the wake of Watergate in the 1970’s, Minnesota’s Republican party became the “Independent — Republican” party (at least until...Read More
. . . and Isn’t Likely to Volunteer Fake it till you make it.” —Career advice to newbie real estate agents. In a hyper-competitive field where sales bluster is an ever-present temptation, real estate agents aren’t exactly the type to betray ignorance or confess a lack of confidence. And even consummate Realtors with years of...Read More
Nominated for 13th(!) Straight Year Mpls. St. Paul Magazine and Twin Cities Business typically notify local Realtors via letter in early May that they’ve been nominated as a “Super Real Estate Agent.” When I saw this year’s letters in colleagues’ in-boxes a month ago ” but not mine ” I dejectedly reconciled myself to the...Read More
MLS Style Category Definitions 1. (SF) One Story (ONEST) One story single-family house 2. (SF) One 1/2 Stories (ONEHF) One 1/2 story single-family house. Second floor only has adequate ceiling height in a portion of it. 3. (SF) Two Stories (TWOST) Two story single-family house. Has adequate ceiling height throughout upper story. 4. (SF) More...Read More