“TheMLSonline” vs. the Real MLS [Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced.] It’s no mystery who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb, right? So, it’s obvious who’s behind a website called “TheMLSonline.com” — the local MLS, of course. Unh-unh. ...Read More
How Close to Minnesota is Pennsylvania? Take it from someone whose license plate reads, “MY RLTR” (as in, “There goes my Realtor!”) — I know a clever marketing slogan when I see one. Still, you’ve got to wonder if a company named “Nearby Eggs” isn’t pushing the principle a tad too, umm . . . far, in...Read More
What’s the Catch? “Earn 5% Cashback Bonus when you shop at Rainbow Foods with Discover.” –Credit card promotion Five percent back sounds awfully good, especially when most credit cards are only offering 1% or 2% these days. So, what’s the catch? How about four of them? Catch #1: the purchases have to be at Rainbow...Read More
“Nice Try” Department Dummy: Can’t we skip the rental car line like at Hertz? Ventriloquist: Not exactly. Dummy: Is there a covered canopy like at Hertz? Ventriloquist: Not exactly. Dummy (getting soaked in the rain): So, you still think I’m the dummy? Ventriloquist: Uhhh . . . not exactly. –Hertz commercial (1996) The dialogue (above) from...Read More
Edina Realty Takes on the Third Party Aggregators, Cont. If you’re joining the action “already in progress,” as it were, here’s what you missed: Edina Realty announced 10 days ago that it was pulling its listings from third-party aggregators such as Trulia. Then all Hell broke loose. See, “Edina Realty Steals a Page From Southwest Airlines, the...Read More
Edina Realty Pulls the Plug on Trulia.com, Other “Third Party Aggregators” In a post earlier this Fall (“Selling Realtors’ Listings Back to Them“), I discussed the dubious practice of Trulia.com and other so-called “Third Party Aggregators” of vacuuming up all the listings in a market, then charging the listing agents (representing Sellers) a fee if...Read More