Comedians & Woodchucks Norm MacDonald: “Is there anything you still want to accomplish?” Jerry Seinfeld: “My entire adult life is just making comedy stuff. For some reason, it’s important to me to make as much of it as I can. I imagine a woodchuck has a similar mindset: ‘I’ve got to chuck wood, as much as...Read More
“TheMLSonline” vs. the Real MLS [Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced.] It’s no mystery who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb, right? So, it’s obvious who’s behind a website called “” — the local MLS, of course. Unh-unh. ...Read More
Multiple Offer Aftermath: 21(!) Runner-Up Buyers How crazy is the Spring, 2017 housing market? Consider the activity at 2850 Florida in St. Louis Park, listed by Edina Realty – City Lakes’ Susan Melbye for $250k last Thursday (March 30): Days on market: 4. Showings: 60+ (including one of my Buyers). People thru Sunday open house...Read More