“TheMLSonline” vs. the Real MLS
[Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced.]
It’s no mystery who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb, right?
So, it’s obvious who’s behind a website called “TheMLSonline.com” — the local MLS, of course.
It turns out the site belongs to a local broker, who somehow managed to grab the URL, “TheMLSonline.com.”
Tip-off #2 that “TheMLSonline” is both less and more than it appears: the real MLS is a subscription-only service, available to agents and other professionals (like home inspectors) who pay a quarterly fee.
Consumer Confusion
I leave it to an intellectual property attorney to explain why using “MLS” in a private broker’s URL isn’t copyright infringement (or, for that matter, why the Minnesota Department of Commerce doesn’t regard the practice as deceptive advertising).
But, it creates confusion amongst at least a few consumers, who invariably think they’re accessing the latest, most complete market data.
Unh-unh (again).
At least in my experience, TheMLSonline lags the real MLS when it comes to showing both new listings, and changes in a “For Sale” home’s status.
Also problematic for consumers: according to TheMLSonline, there are currently over 26,000 “matches” in the Twin Cities metro area right now.
That compares with fewer than 9,000 active listings on MLS.
Here’s guessing that — when visitors to TheMLSonline discover that a home they’re interested in isn’t actually available — its affiliated agents will only be too happy to sell them something else.
P.S.: Trulia and Zillow employ similar tactics.
See also, “Auction Today?” Not Exactly.”