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What Realtors Mean When They Say a Client is “Cooperative” (or not)

How Realtors Grade Clients Clients occasionally may have a select few words for their Realtors, but Realtors also have some favorite words for their clients. No, not “%!%#!” Rather, how “cooperative” they are. What do I mean by that? For Sellers, client cooperation boils down to these three things: 1. Pricing. A cooperative client picks...
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What is a “Cooperative Client?” — Home Seller Edition

How Realtors Grade Clients Clients may have a select few words for their Realtors, but Realtors also have some favorite words for their clients. No, not “%!%#!” Rather, how “cooperative” they are. What do I mean by that? For Sellers, client cooperation boils down to these three things: 1. Pricing. A cooperative client picks a...
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What is a “Cooperative Client?” – Home Seller Edition

How Realtors Grade Clients Clients may have a select few words for their Realtors, but Realtors also have some favorite words for their clients. No, not “%!%#!” Rather, how “cooperative” they are. What do I mean by that? For Sellers, client cooperation boils down to these three things: 1. Pricing. A cooperative client picks a...
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The Case for Catering Broker Opens (Or Not)

The Limits of Delectable Food I know the about-to-follow sentiments place me in a distinct minority of Realtors, but here goes: If scrumptious refreshments on Broker Tour** actually sold homes, then that nice Contemporary by Cedar Lake should have sold in a heartbeat. Proffered to visiting agents:  home-cooked shish-kebab (delicious!), flutes of champagne, and chocolate...
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The Case for Catering Broker Opens (Or Not)

The Limits of Delectable Food I know the about-to-follow sentiments place me in a distinct minority of Realtors, but here goes: If scrumptious refreshments on Broker Tour* actually sold homes, then that nice Contemporary by Cedar Lake should have sold in a heartbeat. Proffered to visiting agents:  home-cooked shish-kebab (delicious!), flutes of champagne, and chocolate...
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