“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” —Mark Twain Once upon a time, unscrupulous people were said to “push” or “peddle” lies. In an era of ubiquitous fake news, apparently that’s not energetic enough. Now, if a lie is to get anywhere (never mind “around the...Read More
[Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway (“Berkshire”), or any other entity referenced. Edina Realty is a subsidiary of Berkshire.] Against the instant (and unanimous) protestations from my immediate family, I will be at President (for now) Trump’s “MAGA” rally at Target...Read More
Fake News vs. Fake Blogs “Those who know, don’t talk; those who talk, don’t know.” –Wall Street saying. “Those who sell, don’t blog; those who blog, don’t sell.” –Real estate corollary. Yeah, yeah, I know the knock on Realtor-bloggers (Exhibit A: yours truly): they — we –don’t actually sell real estate (or at least, not...Read More
The Mindset of Buyers, Sellers, and Their Agents . . . in Three Words Want a 3-word summary of the current state of the housing market and people’s mindset? Here’s mine by category: Buyers: “Wary.” Not all but many Buyers now are nervous about what they perceive to be elevated housing prices — and what comes next....Read More
[Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway (“Berkshire”), or any other entity referenced. Edina Realty is a subsidiary of Berkshire.] Napster — the copyright infringing, file-sharing, early Internet darling of the ’90’s — may have deserved to die. See, “copyright infringement.” But,...Read More
“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” –Mark Twain Once upon a time, unscrupulous people were said to “push” or “peddle” lies. In an era of ubiquitous fake news, apparently that’s not energetic enough. Now, if a lie is to get anywhere (never mind “around...Read More