
Exceptional Properties

How Realtors “Show Support” For One Another

Sure, sure, Realtors show support for their colleagues any number of ways. They include: —Offering price opinions on about-to-be-listed homes; —Offering price opinions on homes that are already on the market (and not selling) ” plus, ideally, some marketing suggestions. —Simply offering a sympathetic (and discreet) ear when a colleague is wrestling with a challenging...
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Exceptional Property . . . Exceptional Turnout

3920 Thomas Ave. South in Minneapolis’ Linden Hills Neighborhood One of the best signs for a “For Sale” home is a well-attended Broker Tour (an open house for Realtors, held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Tuesday in the Twin Cities). What’s another? When a just-completed new home — in this case, Morgan Clawson’s listing on...
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How Realtors “Show Support” For One Another

Sure, sure, Realtors show support for their colleagues any number of ways. They include: –Offering price opinions on about-to-be-listed homes; –Offering price opinions on homes that are already on the market (and not selling) — plus, ideally, some marketing suggestions. –Simply offering a sympathetic (and discreet) ear when a colleague is wrestling with a challenging...
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Cool Staircase (and House!)

3516 Fuller Street in Edina for $1.69 Million You don’t typically see a staircase showcased in the first photo on MLS or in marketing materials (like the one above). That spot is usually reserved for a photo of the front exterior. But, when the home has a staircase as cool as the one in 3516 Fuller in Edina...
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Lockbox Scare — and Solution; or, “Picking a Good Time for Your Smartkey to Malfunction”

Plans B Thru Z For Getting Into a Listing Earlier this week, I (momentarily) had a big scare when my electronic lockbox failed to update. Due to host a couple dozen agents for an Edina Realty Exceptional Properties lunch, I had visions of a crowd of Realtors milling around outside while I struggled with my...
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“We Bought the Home Because We Loved the Oak Tree in the Backyard”

The Lion in Winter As a listing agent preparing the marketing for a home, step #1 (at least for me) is to ask my client why, once upon a time, THEY bought the home, and what they’ve (most) enjoyed about living there. So, what was the clincher for the owner of the Parkwood Knolls home that...
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