Brexit’s Aftermath: Referendum Contagion? It’s bigger than Trump. That’s the instant, inescapable, and more than a little harrowing takeaway from Britain’s vote Thursday to leave the European Union (“Brexit”). What’s less clear: 1) how far will the pendulum swing towards protectionism?; 2) who will be the leaders of this nascent movement?; and 3) whose agenda(s)...Read More
Known Unknowns vs. Unknown Unknowns “Britain Stuns World With Vote to Leave E.U.; Cameron Plans to Resign, and Markets Fall.” –headline, NYT (6/24/2016). Is the British exit (“Brexit”) from the European Union — roiling global stock markets today — a Black Swan? I’d say “no.” Sell First, Ask Questions Later A Black Swan is an...Read More
In G.O.D. (“Gold on Delivery”) We Trust What happens in a tough economy where more people are paying their bills late (and some, not at all)? Creditors start insisting on being paid upfront. I don’t know about other fields, but for Realtors, “C.O.D.” seems to be the order of the day — and has been...Read More
Oops, They Did it Again! If we’re not going to shut down rogue investment banks like Goldman Sachs, or break them up into smaller, less economy-threatening pieces, how about at least requiring that they give their clients (hard to believe they still have any) the equivalent of a financial “Miranda warning.” Something like this perhaps:...Read More