Brexit’s Aftermath: Referendum Contagion?
It’s bigger than Trump.
That’s the instant, inescapable, and more than a little harrowing takeaway from Britain’s vote Thursday to leave the European Union (“Brexit”).
What’s less clear: 1) how far will the pendulum swing towards protectionism?; 2) who will be the leaders of this nascent movement?; and 3) whose agenda(s) are they really pushing — theirs, or their followers’?**
Disaster — or Opportunity?
While Brexit is certainly a rebuke of free trade, open markets, and the “Haves” (elites?) who most benefit from same, it’s hardly self-evident to me that the inevitable consequence is economic ruin and renewed European political strife.
I can see the potential for positives, too.
Like fairer, more economically inclusive societies, which in turn lay the foundation, long-term, for more and healthier social and economic integration.
Or if you prefer, “one step back to go two steps forward.”
**In contrast to Donald Trump, I can’t imagine FDR, in the middle of the Great Depression, using a press conference to hawk his branded water, wine, steaks, etc. (overpriced and mediocre at that).
Memo to Donald: if you want more voters to seriously consider you, put your business(es) in a blind trust yesterday, and focus on politics.
Or, don’t you have enough money (yet)?