

How Far Will Naming Rights Go?

Everything’s For Sale! [Editor’s Note:  The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced.] Growing up in the Twin Cities, I watched the Gophers play football at Memorial Stadium, the Twins play baseball at Metropolitan Stadium (and later the Humphrey Metrodome), and...
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“Ballpark PC,” Circa 2012

Yankee Ball Park?!?  Wrigley Stadium?!? Once upon a time, people who went to baseball games were “fans,” and when they got out-of-line, it was called being “loud” or being “loud and obnoxious.” Today, fans apparently are now “guests,” and when they get out-of-hand, it’s “inappropriate guest behavior” — as in, “please alert an attendant if you are aware...
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