Listing Agent Retort: “I’ll Tell You Right After You Tell Me How High the Buyer is Willing to Go” You (almost) never hear a listing agent (representing a Seller) say to a Buyer’s agent at the outset of negotiations: “let’s cut to the chase; what’s the most your Buyer will pay for my client’s property?”...Read More
Agent-to-Agent Closing Courtesy While the Seller is busy passing house keys, garage door openers, etc. to the Buyer at closing, guess what the Buyer’s agent often gives the listing agent (representing the Seller)? No, the correct answer isn’t, “a flask of whiskey”. Rather, it’s the listing agent’s lockbox. As a courtesy, Buyers’ agents will often...Read More
Listing Agent Retort: “I’ll Tell You Right After You Tell Me How High the Buyer is Willing to Go” You (almost) never hear a listing agent (representing a Seller) say to a Buyer’s agent at the outset of negotiations: “let’s cut to the chase; what’s the most your Buyer will pay for my client’s property?”...Read More
Home Sale “Bones of Contention”** — and How to Avoid Them Sellers don’t want to pay special assessments that are payable after closing . . . because they’re not going to be the owner then. It makes sense for the Buyer to pay it, they reason, because it’s the Buyer who’s going to enjoy the...Read More
Listing Agent Retort: “I’ll Tell You Right After You Tell Me How High the Buyer is Willing to Go” You (almost) never hear a listing agent (representing a Seller) say to a Buyer’s agent at the outset of negotiations: “let’s cut to the chase; what’s the most your Buyer will pay for my client’s property?”...Read More
Tying Up Loose Ends & Open Offers Admittedly, there’s usually not much doubt. But if you want absolute, “case-closed” proof that a Buyer’s offer qualifies as a lowball, here it is: when the Seller rebuffs it*, they never even bother to withdraw it. Either the offered price is so preposterously low they know the Seller will never...Read More