

Minnesota Winter Travel (“Away From,” not “To”)

Return Home “To Do” List: Multiple Choice You’ve just returned to Minnesota, tired and hungry late on a Sunday night, from somewhere 50° (or 100°!) degrees warmer.** What’s the first thing you do upon arriving home via Uber? A. Check on your two teenage kids (presumably, studying in their rooms); B. Check on your dog....
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Why It’s Smart for the Buyer’s Agent to Get to the Showing Early

Realtor Rule #1: “Know Your Client.” Rule #2: “Know the Property You’re Selling” (or at least, how to get in) Test your knowledge of real estate sales, and answer the following question: Why is it smart for the Realtor representing the Buyer to get to a showing early? A. It allows extra time for the...
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Jerk Move in Linden Hills, Followed by Nice One

“Not-So-Minnesota Nice” Leaving the always terrific Clancey’s butcher shop in Linden Hills yesterday, I was chagrined to discover a black BMW parked scarcely 3″ in front of my car, effectively boxing me in. Watching the situation unfold, Clancey’s busy owner, Kristin Tombers, came outside and introduced herself. Kristin offered a description of the offender, and...
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Downtown Minneapolis, T-minus-3 Hours to Super Bowl 52

If you thought Downtown Minneapolis this afternoon would be swarming with football fans, traffic (lots of buses!), security, and even small aircraft overhead (towing giant advertising banners), you’d be only half right. Specifically, the eastern half. The other side of downtown — west of Hennepin Ave., including the North Loop — was surprisingly empty. Added bonus:  lots of free(!)...
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Free Parking! (Just Don’t Be Late)

Talking Your Way Out of $50 I imagine there are a lot of emotional appeals at this parking ramp, exactly 31 minutes (& 37 minutes, & 43 minutes, etc.) after unwitting customers — at least the first time — return to their cars:  “But, I got stuck in a long Starbucks line!”; “My kid’s school bus was late!”;...
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Good News & Bad News About Parking at the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market

Analog vs. Digital Parking Meters The bad news about parking at the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market? (open since late April, if you weren’t aware):  you’ll have to pay for it. The good news:  you won’t have to pay very much, at least on a Sunday in late May. I was about to dump additional quarters in...
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