

Squeeze Play: Apple’s Lush Margins?

30% Commissions!?!  Where Do I Sign Up? How do you get to be the world’s second most valuable company? “Insanely great” products, to be sure. But also out-of this-world margins and fat commissions. Like 30% on every iTune it sells online. 30%! Full-service Realtors, who charge a measly 6%-7%, can only dream about such lush...
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The RE Biz & "Inferior Goods"

McDonald’s, iTunes — and Real Estate Signs In economics, the term “inferior goods” means anything that you consume more of as you have less money. Historically, foods like hamburger (vs. steak), potato’s, rice and the like qualified; today, that would be fast-food chains like McDonald’s, and all the Dollar store chains that appear to be...
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Eye Patch — or iPatch?

“‘i’ on the Brain,” or, Apple’s Next Market?My daughter needs to wear an eye patch a few hours a day — which means one of my (or my wife’s) tasks before school is to her her find and put it on. Maybe it’s just because we’ve recently popped for an iTouch, iPod, innumerable iTunes, etc.,...
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