Listing Agent Refrain in Early October Let’s get it on Let’s get it on, baby This minute, oh yeah Let’s get it on Please, let’s get it on –Marvin Gaye; Lyrics, “Let’s Get It On.” At least when it comes out of a Realtor’s mouth, the line, “let’s get it on [the market]”** isn’t untoward...Read More
4th Quarter Spike in Relocation Sales Yes, eventually the leaves will all be down, truly cold weather will arrive . . . and the seasonal Holiday slow-down will be upon us. But, not yet. In the meantime, the Twin Cities housing market continues to be characterized by a shortage of inventory and brisk activity. In...Read More
Winter Fall Wonderland(?!?) If you live in the Twin Cities, you hardly need to be told. If you don’t — and you’ve been watching the news — you already know: The winter of 2014 – 2015 just arrived with a bang (although the national news coverage made the storm look worse than it actually was,...Read More
Not All Listings Are Created Equal Notwithstanding fairly steady Fall listing and selling activity, there is a perception afoot amongst many Twin Cities Realtors now that the market is deceptively slow. How can that be? Here’s one theory: while showings statistics overall are flat to slightly down, they’re unusually concentrated amongst a relatively small percentage of...Read More
“Is That Like, ‘Who’s Buried in Grant’s Tomb?'” The above may seem like a trick question, but it’s really not. Especially given that Minnesota’s Spring housing market doesn’t really kick off in April or May, but early February (or whenever the subzero weather relents). So, do Fall sellers jump the gun as well? Avoiding Labor...Read More
Administering Financial Pain People famously dread visiting their dentists; after all, who looks forward to having cavities filled? Unfortunately, for home sellers whose homes are languishing on the market unsold, a visit to their Broker’s office may be more painful, at least financially. That’s because, after 60-90 days of market time without a deal, a 3%...Read More