Providing Useful Info to Buyers/ Heightening a Home’s Emotional Appeal “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” –Attributed to Picasso. I think most good Realtors informally debrief their selling clients about their home’s emotional “hot buttons”: what they love about their home, neighborhood, etc. But, consummate Edina Realty agent Bill Minge does it explicitly, via a...Read More
The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel Desperate Listing Agent When you see a Realtor trumpeting a home’s price per square foot, you can surmise which of the following? A. The home’s a bargain; B. It lacks emotional appeal; C. It’s big; D. The agent is desperate, inexperienced — or both. Correct answer: “B.” (the others are...Read More
“What’s Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander” I suppose the opposite of that is, “what isn’t sauce for the goose isn’t sauce for the gander.” Huh?!? One of the insights into pricing a “For Sale” home well is recognizing that some properties ARE more difficult to value, due to their uniqueness, location,...Read More
How Well Does a Home “Show?” Savvy Sellers (and their agents) know that buying a home is an inherently emotional process. Accordingly, they take the necessary steps to make sure that — in Realtors’ lingo — the home “shows well.” In a nutshell, that means that the home is made to look as inviting as possible: everything...Read More