“I’ll Be Done in Just Another Minute” The 2013 winner of Edina Realty’s “Emmy” award (honoring founder Emma Rovick) was announced yesterday at the company’s annual meeting in St. Paul. The recipient: Rachel Van Den Boom, manager of Edina Realty’s Northfield and New Prague offices. In her remarks, Vanden Boom shared her proposed image for a...Read More
What’s in a Word Letter? OK, it’s a little cute (a lot?), but consider how little separates the words “induct” (“Edina Realty Founder Emma Rovick inducted in Realtor Hall of Fame”) and “indict” (“Wall Street bad guy indicted for fraud, insider trading”). The difference? Where “induct” has a “u,” indict has an “i.” And maybe there’s...Read More
Edina Realty’s “Emmy” Awards No, no one gushed that “you like me, you really, really like me” when they received an Edina Realty “Emmy” award this year (the company’s equivalent of the Oscar, named in honor of company founder Emma Rovick and awarded to one Realtor and one (salaried) employee annually). Instead, what I heard was that...Read More