Channeling Emily Litella (and Gilda Radner) For obvious reasons, humor is in short supply right now. Which is precisely why it’s so important. If Gilda Radner were still around — and it’s hard to believe it’s been 31(!) years since she was — I know exactly how she’d update her classic SNL bit: righteously indignant-but-befuddled...Read More
Hey! Comedy Central Writers! It it weren’t politically incorrect — and potentially all too true, depending on how events unfold — I might point out that “Crimea” lends itself to some interesting word play, ala Gilda Radner opining on “saving Soviet Jewelry” or the Supreme Court ruling on “the deaf penalty” (as befuddled character Emily Litella,...Read More
Back to School 2011 I don’t have the foggiest idea how to bring peace to the Middle East, but I’m happy to announce that I have found the solution to peace in the middle seat (apologies to Gilda Radner and her Emily Litella character). That would be the middle seat in the back row of my car, which...Read More
I don’t know what Barack Obama, Senate Republicans, or Sarah Palin are saying about the situation in Libya. But I know what Emily Litella, Gilda Radner’s character on Saturday Night Live, would be saying: “What’s all the fuss about a Libyan vacuum? I didn’t even know Libyans made a vacuum — I thought the Chinese made...Read More
Infinite Markup? Why is Whole Foods selling stolen bread? (and for so much, too). And isn’t announcing it to the world rather brazen? The explanation, for fellow dyslexics, bad spellers and/or Emily Litella fans (Gilda Radner’s old SNL character): that would actually be “stollen bread,” a Christmas specialty (guess who celebrates Chanukah?).Read More
It’s a Bit Like “Soviet Jewelry” * I’m noodling with a (darker) blog post tentatively titled “Wall Street’s Financial Treason,” so my ears perked up when I thought I heard someone say “treason toy” at this morning’s office meeting. They did, kind of: they were making an announcement about a holiday fundraiser called “Trees ‘N...Read More