Or More Like Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater? Funny that New York Times columnist Ross Douthat’s latest column compares Bernie Sanders to Ronald Reagan (yes, Reagan). I was just thinking Sanders is more of a latter-day Barry Goldwater. Douthat’s case for Reagan: “Like Reagan following his attempt to primary Gerald Ford in 1976, Sanders is coming...Read More
“When is the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago.” –Chinese saying; “The Overstory.” Fortunately, area homeowners don’t need to buy flood insurance years in advance to be covered — one month is usually enough. But, give the deluge of snow in the Twin Cities the last month or so, and the surprisingly...Read More
“The Answer to the Seller’s Question, “Do You Think I Should [ _____ ] . . . ?” is Always “Yes”** Consider the rather provocative question ” from a homeowner contemplating selling their home in a few years ” posed to The Ethicist, an advice column in The New York Times: “We live in a large house...Read More