Lazy Realtor Marketing, or “Thanks for Nothing” Question: what do you call an unhosted home on the Broker Tour (in the Twin Cities, held every Tuesday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.)? Answer: a listed home for sale — no different than any of the other 15,000 or so properties currently for sale in the...Read More
Tuning Out (and In) It’s purely anecdotal (vs. scientific), but here’s one way to tell if a new listing is going to be a hit: when the listing agent (representing the Seller) plugs it at the weekly Broker’s meeting . . . all the other agents suddenly get quiet. Normally, agents listen selectively (myself excluded...Read More
Closing Headaches — Exhibit A It’s not the biggest mistake Sellers can make — the maximum exposure is typically “only” a couple hundred dollars — but it’s still a headache that can delay if not jeopardize closing. The mistake? Representing that a non-homesteaded home is in fact “homesteaded.” Background What’s the distinction — and why does it...Read More