
August 31, 2012

Behold! Matt Taibbi’s “Archipelago Man”

Successor to Thomas Wolfe’s “Master of the Universe” Once upon a time, human beings were lowly Neanderthals. Gradually, Neanderthals evolved into Cro-Magnons, and from there into Homo Sapiens. What is mankind’s next (d)evolutionary step? According to muckraking journalist (and amateur anthropologist) Matt Taibbi, it is “Archipelago Man,” as personified by none other than Mitt Romney. Archipelago Man in...
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Motivated Seller? Or Motivated Listing Agent??

“Seller Will Look at All Offers!” Without knowing more about the Seller’s home or personal circumstances, it’s hard to know if this come-on is faux or for real. Sometimes, the Seller IS motivated — but their price is (still) unrealistic (note:  the two aren’t mutually exclusive). Other times, such a pitch is essentially bait:  intended...
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