
time value of money

How Much of a Discount For Cash?

Quick Answer: “It Depends ” But Usually Less Than Buyers Think” “At the closing table, the Seller will walk away with a check ” and whether the money comes from the Buyer or the lender doesn’t matter.” —”Do Home Buyers Who Pay Cash Get a Discount?”; The Wall Street Journal. The answer to the question,...
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How Much of a Discount For Cash?

Quick Answer:  “It Depends — But Usually Less Than Buyers Think” “At the closing table, the Seller will walk away with a check ” and whether the money comes from the Buyer or the lender doesn’t matter.” –“Do Home Buyers Who Pay Cash Get a Discount?”; The Wall Street Journal (11/4/2010). The answer to the...
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Exactly How Low Are Interest Rates Today?

Wasting a Perfectly Good Postage Stamp How low are interest rates today? So low that it literally doesn’t pay to spend 44¢ on a first class stamp to mail a deposit to my broker’s local branch, vs. using their (free) self-addressed envelope and sending it out-of-town. Time Value of Money?  Infinitesimal Once upon a time...
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Missed the Tax Credit? Lucky You

Did the Late Bird Get the Worm?? Although I take issue with some of the math underlying the analysis, there’s no denying that the drop in interest rates since April 30 — thanks to the Eurozone crisis — has at least partially offset the benefit(s) associated with now-expired home buyer tax credits. Missing the tax...
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