

“Is That a Rorschach Ink Blot in My Starbucks Marble Cake?”**

No, the Starbucks “barista” (or whatever you’re supposed to call them) hadn’t heard that question before. And he didn’t know what a Rorschach ink blot was (it’s a random pattern that psychiatrists present to clients, and ask them what associations it conjures up). But look at the pictures (above right and below) and tell me you...
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Christine Lagarde Doppelganger

If Hollywood ever needs to cast someone to play Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, I have just the actress: Allison Janney. Compare these two photos, and tell me you don’t see a striking resemblance. A little hair dye, and a different hairstyle (and a suntan!), and you wouldn’t be able to tell...
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