Investing — or Squandering — “the Energy Dividend” “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.” –Stanford economist Paul Romer In the early ’90’s, politicians referred to the savings from reduced defense spending — made possible by the end of the Cold War — as “the Peace Dividend.” Thanks to the crashing price of oil (plus...Read More
Test your knowledge of local Twin Cities construction projects, and answer the following multiple choice question: What is going on at the northeast corner of Highway 7 and Louisiana Blvd. in St. Louis Park? A. Minnesota’s first site for hydraulic fracturing (also known as “fracking”); B. Prep work for the new Southwest light rail corridor;...Read More
Bullet Trains . . . in Minnesota How can you compete with a country that is run like a company? –Thomas L. Friedman, “Too Many Hamburgers?”; The New York Times (9/22/2010) I suppose that depends on whether the country in question is run like Costco — or Citigroup. In fact, Friedman makes a number of...Read More