When Lightning (the good kind) Strikes Does love at first sight happen in real estate? Absolutely. However, I’d say it occurs less than 10% of the time. When it does, though, you know it: like lightning striking, the Buyer ” or Buyers, if it’s a couple ” immediately have a changed look in their...Read More
How Many Real Estate Marketing Errors Can You Spot? To my eye, the listing agent marketing a certain Fern Hill Rambler now commits not one but two mistakes trying to push Buyers’ “Fear of Missing Out” button: One. In an ongoing Seller’s market with too little inventory, it’s certainly plausible that any new-to-market listing will...Read More
Retail Investors, Loss Aversion, and The Fear of Missing Out (“FOMO”) Being a good contrarian, let me toss this one out there: skyrocketing stocks may go higher yet from here. In fact, I see two factors fueling further gains, at least in the short run: One. “The Headline Factor” & (some) retail investors’ Fear of...Read More
How Rational? One of the most common concerns Buyers (especially first-time Buyers) have is, “what if I commit to buying this home, and then something ‘better’ comes on the market?” How reasonable is that fear? Put it this way: if the Buyer has done their homework, i.e., learned the market and fine-tuned what they’re looking for,...Read More
An App Acronym That Captures the Zeitgeist OK, so the term is easily confused — at least by someone with dyslexia — for another, not-so-nice acronym (“MOFO” — look it up). And the new app designed to exploit “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out) targets insecure, 20-something social climbers (called “CouchCache,” it lets users give others...Read More