Tonight: Last Episode of “Fargo” Season #2 You have your list, I have mine . . . 1. “Seinfeld” (1998) 2. “The Sopranos” (2007) 3. “M*A*S*H” (1983) 4. “Breaking Bad” (2013) 5. “Cheers” (1993) 6. “Friends” (2004) 7. “Newhart” (1991) 8. “How I Met Your Mother” (2014) 9. “Fargo” — Season #2 (2015) **tonight** 10....Read More
Not in Kansas Fargo Anymore I can’t honestly say whether “You betcha!” died a natural death, or succumbed to self-conscious disuse in the wake of relentless satire in/from movies like “Fargo” (by native sons the Coen brothers, no less). Regardless, you don’t hear the expression very often in the Twin Cities anymore (if you ever did)....Read More
The Most Chilling Crime Scene Since “The Usual Suspects” Lorne Malvo: “Is this what you want, Lester? Is . . this . . what . . you . . want? Yes, or no?” Lester Nygaard: “Yes.” Such is the chilling exchange/showdown between “heavy” Lorne Malvo and once-upon-a-time good guy(?) and former milquetoast Lester Nygaard in the...Read More