“So Done” vs. “Are You Done Yet?” For an unassuming four letter word, “done” sure has a lot of different connotations. I count at least eight (below), including two meanings — one good, one bad — popular in residential real estate. One. To perfection. Example: “That house is done. It’s not staged like a spec...Read More
High Quality Problems For an Agent to Have [Note to Readers: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney.] Which of the following roles pose a potential conflict of interest for...Read More
“Ball & Chain” vs. Source of Stability/Emotional Support A “contronym” is word that is its own antonym. Examples include the word “left” (“the gentlemen have left and the ladies are left”); “off” (“to turn off,” but also “activate,” as in “the alarm went off”); and “sanction” (both “approve” and “punish”). So, what do you call...Read More
Fast Friends at Lake Bde Maka Ska (Lake Calhoun) About a zillion years ago at The Punchline nightclub in San Francisco, I heard a hilarious bit by (a then unknown) Rob Schneider recounting the various usages of the word “Dude.” As in . . . #1. Greeting (“Dude!”); #2. Approval (“Du-u-u-de!”, upbeat); #3. Disapproval (“d-u-d-e,” in a low tone);...Read More
What’s the difference between a “Tudor” and a “Revival Tudor?” As far as I can tell . . . none. In fact, “Revival Tudor” appears to simply be the more formal name for what everyone commonly refers to as plain old “Tudor.” Here’s a good working definition: “The essential characteristics of a Tudor Revival house...Read More
The Color Taste of Water Water usually doesn’t have a taste, and people don’t object to that. Ditto for celery. So why is calling something ” like a comment, a work of art, or an article of clothing ” “tasteless” a dis? “Taste-Free” vs. “Tasteless” Clearly, what the speaker intends to say is, “in bad taste.”...Read More