Fast Friends at Lake Bde Maka Ska (Lake Calhoun)
About a zillion years ago at The Punchline nightclub in San Francisco, I heard a hilarious bit by (a then unknown) Rob Schneider recounting the various usages of the word “Dude.”
As in . . . #1. Greeting (“Dude!”); #2. Approval (“Du-u-u-de!”, upbeat); #3. Disapproval (“d-u-d-e,” in a low tone); #4. Warily, as in “Is that a stranger in my bedroom closet?” (“d-u-u-u-de??’).
And so on (I think Schneider topped out at 12 meanings).
Canine vs. Homo Sapiens
In the same vein (sort of), I count at least seven definitions of “hot dog” (the first two feature pictures of my own Golden Retriever, “Raffy,” above and below right):
One. An overheated, panting canine ” like mine at the end of a walk around Lake Calhoun on a particularly humid day.
Two. Popular dog. The same canine, refreshed and revived barely five minutes later, surrounded by his new best friends (strangers who asked if they could pet him).
Three. The Homo Sapiens version, circling Lake Calhoun sans shirt ” and practically any other clothing.
See also, “Unwanted Trend: Hairy, Middle-Aged Fat Guys Wearing Fluorescent Tennis Shoes (and No Shirt!).”
Close relative: the overweight, middle-aged guy who wears a thong bikini at the beach.
Four. A show-off ” usually a young male athlete on skis, a skateboard, or a motorcycle.
Five. Expression of delight or enthusiastic approval, as in “How about that!?!”
Six. The tubular, meat-filled food(?) product.
Seven. Spicy hot dog.
I’m sure there are even more slang versions, but I’ll stop there . . .
See also, “That Bob is a Real Hustler!” Compliment or Insult?”; “Why is Calling Someone “a Piece of Work’ an Insult?”; “Interesting” vs. “I-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g“; “Which “Done” Did They Mean?“; “The Many Guises of “Hot Dog’“; “You’re . . . You’re . . . Such an Almond! (Huh??)“; and “Shut Up!” Has 9 Different Meanings? Shut Up!! (No, YOU Shut Up!).”