

The World’s Biggest Fridge? Maybe (Maybe Not)

Undermining Seller Credibility Either the Kitchen in the photo above has a walk-in, commercial-sized freezer. Or, something’s not quite right about the photo dimensions. Based on the other Kitchen photos accompanying the listing, the answer is option #2. Never Just One Cockroach So, what is the other reason not to use a wide-angle lens or...
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Huge Dining Room? One Way to Tell

“Trick (Photography) or Treat” [Editor’s Note:  The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway (“Berkshire”), or any other entity referenced. Edina Realty is a subsidiary of Berkshire.] Want to know whether a Dining Room is actually as roomy as it appears online? Here’s a quick tip:  count...
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MLS: “Beautiful Home When It Was Built”

“Nice Try” Department I give the listing agent (representing the Seller) credit for trying:  the line (above) certainly sounds like a compliment. And it may even have been true, once upon a time. But, best guesses are:  a) the home was built a long time ago; and b) it’s hardly beautiful now (there were no pictures accompanying...
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“Hmm, I Wonder Why That House Isn’t Selling??”

Three Bathrooms?  Or 1.75? I just previewed a Golden Valley home for out-of-town clients, and now understand why the home — which appears well-priced and is located in a “demand” neighborhood — has been sitting on the market since last Fall, at ever-lower prices. Strike #1 was the number of Bathrooms. According to MLS —...
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The World’s Biggest Fridge? Maybe (Maybe Not)

Undermining Seller Credibility Either the Kitchen in the photo above has a walk-in, commercial-sized freezer. Or, something’s not quite right about the photo dimensions. Based on the other Kitchen photos accompanying the listing, the answer is option #2. Never Just One Cockroach What is the other reason not to use a wide-angle lens or otherwise...
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The (Curious) Case of the 7 BR Home Marketed as a 5 BR

Man Bites Dog — Real Estate Edition The vast majority of the time — like 99% — when real estate statistics are off, they’re off on the, shally we say . . . “embellished” side.* So, the 1 1/2 story is billed as a 2 story, the 1,800 square foot home is billed as 2,000,...
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