Staging a home well invariably involves lots of fine-tuning and not a little trial-and-error. So, sofas get moved around, art work get hung (then removed, then re-hung), Oriental rugs get deployed in various locations, etc. Unbeknownst to home Buyers and Sellers, the same process applies to what’s called “virtual staging” ” that is, using software to show...Read More
Realtor Pet Peeves: When Less is More Once an editor, always an editor (in my case, heading the venerable St. Louis Park high school newspaper, the Echo, a long time ago). These days, the object of my ire is fellow Realtors and their (occasionally) less than efficient marketing verbiage. In that vein . . ....Read More
“Real” vs. “Virtual” Staging Staging a home well invariably involves lots of fine-tuning and not a little trial-and-error. So, sofas get moved around, art work get hung (then removed, then re-hung), Oriental rugs get deployed in various locations, etc. Unbeknownst to home Buyers and Sellers, the same process applies to what’s called “virtual staging” — that is,...Read More