Congrats to Edina Realty Title’s Richelle Pikala For a Realtor, closing 662 deals would be a breathtaking achievement over a 30-year career. So, that’ll give you an idea exactly how impressive it is to handle 662 sales, as a real estate closer, in just one calendar year. That 2018 production qualifies Richelle Pikala as Edina Realty...Read More
“April showers bring May flowers.” —old saying “July deals bring (late) August closings.” —real estate corollary Combine a (very) busy late Spring market, surprisingly low interest rates, and a looming month-end, and what do you get? An exceptionally crowded end of August closing docket. Meanwhile, as for Realtors . . . not so much. At...Read More
One Down, Eight to Go If you’re going to close on the purchase or sale of a home on the busiest day (today, the 29th) of the busiest month (this June) for closings in years, it helps to: a) have a cash Buyer; and b) go first. My clients were, and they did. Start time: 9:01...Read More