Cheaper More Expensive By the Dozen Usually, the more of something you have to sell, the cheaper it is. That’s just basic, “supply-and-demand” — Economics 101. So, when is that not the case? When it comes to rental properties in today’s housing market. Buyer’s vs. Seller’s Markets Currently, there is a huge disconnect between what duplexes and...Read More
Cheaper by the Dozen? Nope If you buy four tires, you usually get a better deal than if you buy one. Ditto for volume purchases of airline tickets, car washes, bagels — you name it. So, why don’t Realtors give “repeat customer” discounts? Because there are no economies of scale in residential real estate. No...Read More
Does Selling Homes “Scale?” One of the interesting byproducts of posting on a hot company — which Groupon and its social media brethren certainly are right now — is the raft of related search engine queries that follow. So it is with “Groupon for Realtors.” Work your way through the Google “hits,” though (besides my posts, “Memo...Read More