

Boycott Goldman Sachs? How??

“Occupy Wall Street” Conundrum:  What to Occupy One of my favorite political cartoons — from the 1970’s no less — shows a self-satisfied oil executive sitting behind a big desk, his feet up, smoking a cigar (I said it was from the ’70’s). “You want oil?,” he practically cackles (to no one in particular). “We own the wells.”...
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Are Title Insurance Companies Bracing for a Tidal Wave of Claims? Nah.

National Moratorium on ForeclosuresSurprise, Surprise . . . the same banking behemoths that recklessly originated trillions in dubious mortgages — fuel for Wall Street’s securitization juggernaut — are apparently now running roughshod over the rights of delinquent borrowers as they seek to foreclose on their homes. How big a problem is this? And who’s going...
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