
coffee stopper

“Why Didn’t I Think of That?!?” Department: the Starbucks (Coffee) Stopper

Also Known as “Splash Stick,” “Lid Sip Hole Plug,” & “Green Thing” (Just Don’t Call it a “Swizzle Stick”) Want to know why you can get one of those “dip sticks” (my term) at Starbucks ” but not at Caribou, Dunn Bros., or other coffee chain? Starbucks has a patent on it. Or more specifically,...
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Starbucks (Coffee) Stopper

Also Known as “Splash Stick,” “Lid Sip Hole Plug,” & “Green Thing” (Just Don’t Call it a “Swizzle Stick”) Want to know why you can get one of those “dip sticks” (my term) at Starbucks ” but not at Caribou, Dunn Bros., or other coffee chain? Starbucks has a patent on it. Or more specifically,...
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Starbucks (Coffee) Stopper

Also Known as “Splash Stick,” “Lid Sip Hole Plug,” & “Green Thing” (Just Don’t Call it a “Swizzle Stick”) Want to know why you can get one of those “dip sticks” (my term) at Starbucks — but not at Caribou, Dunn Bros., or other coffee chain? Starbucks has a patent on it. Or more specifically,...
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