Doubling Down on DIY (“Do It Yourself”), or, “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again” “First law of holes”: ‘if you find yourself in a hole . . . stop digging.'” –Adage. One of the more interesting inspections I’ve handled recently involved a Minnetonka home Seller (I represented the Buyer) who clearly was...Read More
Also Known as “Splash Stick,” “Lid Sip Hole Plug,” & “Green Thing” (Just Don’t Call it a “Swizzle Stick”) Want to know why you can get one of those “dip sticks” (my term) at Starbucks ” but not at Caribou, Dunn Bros., or other coffee chain? Starbucks has a patent on it. Or more specifically,...Read More
Learning to Love (OK, Like) Split-Level’s What’s so great about opening the front door of a home and finding yourself standing in the middle of the Living Room? Or maybe Kitchen? That’s been my experience in any number of newer, upper bracket homes ” homes that supposedly boast the latest and greatest of everything, and...Read More