Also Known as “Splash Stick,” “Lid Sip Hole Plug,” & “Green Thing” (Just Don’t Call it a “Swizzle Stick”)
Want to know why you can get one of those “dip sticks” (my term) at Starbucks — but not at Caribou, Dunn Bros., or other coffee chain?
Or more specifically, one of their customers does.
Adding salt creamer to the wound: according to at least one Starbucks barista (server), the inventor made a fortune on it.
Invention #2
My other “Why didn’t I think of that??” invention: highway “median strips” — those things that make you think you have a flat tire when you cross the median or veer onto the shoulder.
How many of those do you suppose have been sold to state and federal highway departments?
Coming next: “smart” median strips, that communicate with driver-less, high-tech cars.
See also, “Is That a Rorschach Ink Blot in My Starbucks Marble Cake?“