The Case For Leaving (a little) Money on the Table Home Buyers may not like to hear it, but let me suggest that there’s something more valuable than wringing the last $100 or even $500 out of a deal (depending on the price point), either when negotiating the Purchase Agreement, or resolving any inspection issues...Read More
The Wisdom of Leaving a Little Goodwill in the Deal At the risk of becoming a broken record on the subject, let me suggest to dubious home Buyers that foregoing that last $100 (or even $500) inspection item is truly a smart, even self-interested decision (the threshold depends on the home’s price). Why’s that? Because...Read More
Scoring Points for Courtesy It’s never great when one party to a transaction has to deliver bad news to the other — like, for example, when the Buyer’s inspection reveals a major issue (or several of them). But it’s always better to deliver such news quickly and directly, for three reasons: One. Getting the issue(s)...Read More