So, what’s the secret to keeping every single New Year’s resolution? Discipline, perhaps? How about persistence, fortitude, self-knowledge, or even realistic (read, “low”) expectations? Nope. Try, “timing.” My now 17 year-old son hit upon the idea, years ago, of waiting till the waning hours of New Year’s Eve (like, after 11 p.m.) to forswear various...Read More
Assuming Two Risks, Not One [Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are solely those of Ross Kaplan, and do not represent Edina Realty, Berkshire Hathaway, or any other entity referenced. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney.] If Buyers can waive a home inspection altogether (they can), it stands to reason they can...Read More
The Case For Leaving (a little) Money on the Table Home Buyers may not like to hear it, but let me suggest that there’s something more valuable than wringing the last $100 or even $500 out of a deal (depending on the price point), either when negotiating the Purchase Agreement, or resolving any inspection issues...Read More
At least in the Kaplan household, “designated driver” has nothing to do with alcohol, intoxication, or any illicit substances. It’s a function of the weather. So, when it’s exceptionally icy or snowy (it’s both today in the Twin Cities), either me or one of my sons assumes driving duty from my wife, using our 4-wheel...Read More