“It Only Takes One” Q: What do you call the person who finishes last in their medical school class? A. “Doctor.” It may surprise non-Realtors to hear that even well-prepped, well-priced homes ” destined to sell quickly for full price or very close ” typically collect more “Nay’s” than “Yea’s” from prospective Buyers. But it’s...Read More
When the Realtor Likes a Home More Than Their Client Does To a non-Realtor, the idiom, “I’m not buying it” roughly translates to, “I don’t believe your [obviously bogus] explanation.” To Realtors, however, the phrase means something much more literal. Namely ” at least when uttered by a Buyer’s agent ” “I’m not buying it” translates...Read More
Realtor vs. Non-Realtor Definitions To a non-Realtor, the idiom, “I’m not buying it” roughly translates to, “I don’t believe your [obviously bogus] explanation.” To Realtors, however, the phrase means something much more literal. Namely ” at least when uttered by a Buyer’s agent ” “I’m not buying it” translates as, “I’m not buying the home . ....Read More
“Location, Location, Location” “Context, Context, Context” What can you confidently say about a “For Sale” home whose price was just reduced, days before Christmas? A. The home is now a bargain. B. The Seller is motivated. C. The Seller’s Realtor (listing agent) is motivated. D. The home is better-priced** than it was before. Correct answer:...Read More
To a non-Realtor, the expression, “I’m not buying it” roughly translates as, “I don’t believe your [obviously bogus] explanation.” To Realtors, however, the phrase means something much more literal. Namely ” at least when uttered by a Buyer’s agent ” “I’m not buying it” translates as, “I’m not buying the home . . . my client is.”...Read More
The Best Adjective for “Home”? “Sold!” What do you call an Edina rambler that — at least according to my open house traffic the other weekend — was “too big,” “too small,” “too open,” “not open enough,” “too dated,” “too expensive” . . . and about 10 more fussy comments in a similar vein? Give up? Try, “Sold!” “Too, Too ....Read More