

Confident Comp’s: Not Shying Away From Less Valuable “Sold’s”

Guilt by Association?  Not Necessarily As a listing agent trying to make sure their client’s home appraises, I know the concern:  if the Comp’s you provide to the Appraiser are all less valuable than your client’s home (known as the “subject property”), they’ll drag its price down, too. Not necessarily. Step #1 is to realize that...
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Comp’s, Facts, and Opinions: Sellers Who Misperceive Their Home’s Fair Market Value (Guess Which Direction)

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” –Daniel Patrick Moynihan Substitute “Comp’s” — as in “Comparable Sold Properties” — for “facts,” and you’ve got a pretty good rule of thumb for pricing residential real estate. So, while prospective home sellers can (and do!) compare their home to any properties...
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“More Than This, Less Than That”

The Art of Doing Comp’s Want the science art of Comp’s (for “Comparable Sold Properties”) in a nutshell? It’s placing a given (“subject”) property on a continuum, between the home just below it in price, and the one immediately above. What could be simpler, right? “This and That” Ahhh, but which two homes are those...
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Comp’s for Advanced Beginners

Weighing Comp’s and “Kind-of-Comp’s” The cornerstone of establishing market value for a given property is the CMA, or “Comparative Market Analysis.” As prepared by both Realtors and Appraisers, it consists of selecting a peer group of three homes (“Comparable Sold Properties”), then going through a compare-and-contrast process sizing up each of the Comp’s relative to the “subject”...
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