
beta test

Boeing Beta Test

Passengers as Guinea Pigs?? “Regulators Around the Globe Ground Boeing 787’s” —headline, NY Times (1/16/2013) Certain software makers (rhymes with schmicro-soft) are famous for releasing products that are “not-ready-for-prime time.” So, too, it would appear that Boeing’s new jet, the 787 “Dreamliner,” was put into service before all the kinks were worked out. I don’t...
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Re-designed MLS: ‘If it ‘aint Broke . . . Fix it, Anyway??’

Dear MLS:  ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ For the record, I was not one of the agents whose “calls, emails, and feedback forms” prompted the local MLS to dramatically overhaul the look and feel of its site. In my — and many other Twin Cities Realtors’ opinion — the old system worked just fine, and the...
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Review: Foreclosures on Google Maps

Not Ready For Prime Time I just spent 20 minutes or so checking out foreclosures on Google Maps. My conclusion? It’s hard to escape the feeling you are an unwitting beta tester (guinea pig) — plus, it’s apparent that Google’s real aim is use limited free data to goose subscriptions (translation: Google’s business model is...
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