
April 25, 2021

Watching the Oscars Tonight . . . But Skipping the Commercials

Synch-ron-ate”: recording a show, then watching it — without commercials — so as to finish at the same time as the live telecast. –Proposed new word; Ross Kaplan. Want to watch the Oscars tonight, but not all the commercials? (inordinately bunched at the end — or at least, so it seems). If you have a...
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“True Minnesotan,” Exhibit #23: the (Too?) Helpful Clerk at the Neighborhood Hardware Store

What’s the Opposite of “Upselling?” Jeff Bezos didn’t grow up in Minneapolis. Or if he did, he certainly didn’t work at a local hardware store (yes, they still exist in the Twin Cities; amongst other things, it’s where lots of local youth get their first job). I know that because twice in two weeks now,...
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