Seeing Double — or Quadruple! With MLS now allowing unlimited online photos, some listing agents are going nuts, uploading literally 50, 60, or more photos per listing. While that might make sense for sprawling, upper bracket properties, how many different photos can you take of an average-sized — or small — property?? Question #2: How...Read More
“Three Bedrooms NOT on One Level” Every once in awhile, you see a single family home being touted by the listing agent as a “townhome alternative.” What do they mean? Features At least to this Twin Cities Realtor, it’s shorthand for a detached home with many of the following attributes: —Around 2,000 to 2,500 square...Read More
Coronavirus! Pandemic! Stock market crash! Healthcare system overload! Nightmare in Italy! Whole cities (NYC) and states (CA) in lockdown! Flatten the curve – NOW!! How chaotic has the last week been been? Sufficiently crazy that an earthquake near Salt Lake City — 5.7, this Wednesday — seemingly couldn’t penetrate the din. If aliens ever...Read More