“Driving Miss Daisy” This shot (taken near Southwest High School the other week) practically begs for a caption. Pick your favorite from the list below: “If Uber doesn’t start paying better, I’m switching to Lyft . . .” “What did you expect? I can’t reach the pedals in a fire engine.” “Hey, buddy! I did,...Read More
Two-Tiered Pricing, or, “The ‘Annual Membership’ Business Model” To the long list of consumer goods offered at a discount to Amazon Prime members, add one more: Thanksgiving turkey at newly-acquired Whole Foods. Sound familiar? It should. Training shoppers to pay an annuity-like annual (membership) fee is the business model of competitor Costco. See also, “Conversion...Read More
I’ve certainly seen metal and fiberglass roofs before (from the street, it wasn’t possible to tell which it was). But, I don’t recall ever seeing a roof quite so . . . red. Somehow, “lipstick red”, “crimson red,” or “ruby red” just don’t seem to describe it. I’m going to go with “West River Road...Read More