
April 24, 2016

“Let My People Go . . . to the Movies!”**

A Little Passover Irony, or “Wait a Second!  Isn’t ‘Exodus’ Associated with Getting OUT??” I’ve made my peace with paying close to $10 for a movie ticket. However, $4 for a smallish candy bar or a box of M&M’s is another thing. So — full confession — we Kaplan’s have been known to smuggle a...
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2016 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting to (Also) Be Online For 1st Time

What a Novel Idea! (Actually, Not) For the first time, Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting (held in Omaha this Saturday, April 30) will also be online. Who could have predicted that? Actually . . . yours truly. More than 21 years ago. Here’s an excerpt from my article in The New York Times: “Electronic meetings have several...
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“High & Dry”: In Era of Global Warming, Rising Seas, Now a GOOD Thing

Global Warming Fallout “High and Dry”: being in a helpless or abandoned position. –Definition, Merriam-Webster Dictionary Once upon a time, “high and dry” — as in being left high and dry — was decidedly a bad thing. Today? In an era of looming global warming and rising seas, “high & dry” seems likely to take...
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