A Little Passover Irony, or “Wait a Second! Isn’t ‘Exodus’ Associated with Getting OUT??”
I’ve made my peace with paying close to $10 for a movie ticket.
However, $4 for a smallish candy bar or a box of M&M’s is another thing.
So — full confession — we Kaplan’s have been known to smuggle a treat (or two) from home into the movies.
Matzoh-at the-Movies, or, “Passover Popcorn”
Except that when we see a movie during Passover — the terrific new “Jungle Book” this afternoon — the food of choice (at least for me) was matzoh, a sort of flatbread/cracker that the Jews leaving Egypt in haste ate in lieu of leavened (and slow-baking) bread.
Anyone else see some sort of (reverse) symbolism in that?? 🙂
**Headline courtesy of Alan Crystal, who (dramatically) improved upon my original (now the sub-head).