
January 26, 2013

More Busted Year-End (2012) Deals?

That speculation is based on what’s trending on this blog at the moment. Specifically, the most popular post the last month is “Statutory Cancellation for Beginners.” If you’re in a deal that progresses smoothly and closes on time . . . you don’t need to know about “statutory cancellation.”
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Robert Shiller’s Cloudy Crystal Ball on Housing

“Zillow-Pulsenomics What?!?” I’ve certainly taken my share of potshots on these pages at housing predictions by so-called industry experts.  See, “Housing Market Predictions 2013;” “Barrons:  ‘Home Prices Headed Up 7%“; “Predicting Home Prices in . . . 2022?!?”   So, who do I find more credible? Try Robert Shiller, professor of economics and finance at Yale...
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Vestibule for the Vestibule

Why is There a Changing Room Inside the Front Door?? What does a cozy restaurant in a smallish space do to keep its patrons from being blasted by cold gusts every time someone opens the front door? In the case of Linden Hills eatery “Tilia,” you create a “vestibule inside the vestibule,” complete with a...
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Movie Review: Jangly ‘Django’

Splattered Spaghetti As much as I’ve enjoyed other Quentin Tarantino films — “Pulp Fiction” immediately springs to mind — it’s hard to relax, let alone enjoy watching a film when you don’t know which man, woman, child, or horse(!) is going to get its head blown off next. Yes, horses:  there are so many equine...
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