
February 24, 2011

“Great for Entertaining?” How to Tell

The Acid Test How do you tell if a larger, upper bracket home really is “great for entertaining?” (as many tout that they are). Put 50-plus people in it — as happens every Thursday a.m. at Edina Realty’s weekly Exceptional Properties meeting — and see how well the house accommodates them. When everyone fits comfortably in the...
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Spike at the Gas Pump? THERE it is.

$3.19 to $3.29 to $3.39 to ??? It seemed odd, at least to me, that Twin Cities gas prices were seemingly stuck at $3.19 a gallon even as turmoil in the Middle East spread and the price of a barrel of oil shot toward $100. The other shoe landed with a thud earlier this week,...
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Suggestion for MLS

Once upon a time, when “MF” really had no other connonation, it was fine to abbreviate “Multi-Family” as “MF.” However, as real estate get both “younger” and more online, I suspect that “MF” is increasingly associated with another, not-so-nice definition. So, here’s my advice to MLS:  time to retire “MF,” and substitute “Duplex,” “Triplex,” and...
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Coming: Not So Open Enrollment?

The Hopkins – Edina School District Tug of War Edina was the first school district in the Twin Cities that I’m aware of to put the brakes on open enrollment, the policy of allowing students outside a district to matriculate. Now, it appears that multiple other local school districts are following suit. Background State school districts...
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