
September 1, 2010

3,257* to 11

Rentals on MLS No, that’s not the odds of someone on Wall Street actually being charged for financial wrongdoing the last couple years. It’s the number of rental properties on Craig’s List (*I approximated) vs. rental properties on MLS. Look for that gap to close in the weeks and months ahead (today was Day #1...
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"Looking for an Underwater Homeowner to Interview"

Conscience of a Realtor I can’t imagine journalists calling stockbrokers and asking, “do you have any clients who’ve lost money on their stocks who might be willing to talk to me for a story?” Or if they did, I can’t imagine a whole lot of stockbrokers complying. So, I find it curious — to say...
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"Cheaper Than a Car"*

Metro Homes Under $40k According to a quick search on MLS this morning, there are exactly 463 residential properties in Minneapolis and the West ‘burbs for sale for under $40k. To be sure, the majority are in rough condition, in tougher neighborhoods; the ones that aren’t, are typically condo’s. Small condo’s. But still. When even...
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Potty Humor

“Let me get back to you on that” With three kids under 10 years old (including 2 boys), potty humor is very much in vogue in the Kaplan household (in fact, it may be the only kind of humor). In that vein, a member of my household (not me) asked, non-rhetorically, whether it really shouldn’t...
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That "Being Watched" Feeling (on MLS)

Price Push — or Shove? I always feel likeSomebody’s watching meAnd I have no privacyI always feel likeSomebody’s watching meTell me is it just a dream –Michael Jackson; lyrics, “Somebody’s Watching Me” Got the feeling that someone’s watching you? If your home’s on MLS, it may not be your imagination. That’s because prospective home Buyers...
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