
August 17, 2010

"Hogging" Rental Brokers

Going to “Plan B” Real estate agents who represent both the Buyer and Seller are said to “hog” the commission, because they get both sides. Are (some) rental agents doing the same thing? I’m certainly starting to think so. I just spent two-plus days trying to get rental information on a home my client is...
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"Negotiating Least"

“Brittle” vs. “Supple” Deals He who negotiates least, negotiates best. –saying OK, so that’s not how it goes (the original version substituted “government” and “governing”). But it’s still accurate. There are 3 reasons why that’s so, at least that I can think of. One. While some people actually like to negotiate — Realtors often do,...
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Staging & "Critical Mass"

Are More Sellers Staging Today? It sure seems that way. No doubt, that’s because every $1 spent on staging can easily add $3 (or $10) to the value of a home. And because, in a Buyer’s market, there are lots of competing homes for sale, and to attract a Buyer homes have to look their...
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Real Estate Representation Contracts

Playing “Gotcha?” Nope, Just Setting Expectations It’s always a good idea for a Realtor and the Buyer they’re representing to have a signed Representation contract. That’s true even if the Buyer and Realtor have known each other for years, and already done multiple deals together. In fact, that’s especially true if the Buyer and Realtor...
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