
written offer

Listing Agent: “I’m Presenting Offers Tomorrow Night at 6 p.m.”

Seller Semantics “As I am smoking . . . I don’t expect to be thanked.” —What John Hurt’s character ” in “Love and Death on Long Island” (1997) ” says to the cab driver, when the latter points to the cab’s “Thank You For Not Smoking” sign, and asks Hurt to extinguish his cigarette. Shortly after showing their client a new-on-the...
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Listing Agent Refrain: ‘Put it in Writing’

Permission to Lowball . . . Denied As a listing agent (representing Sellers), I sure seem to be parrying a lot more of what I’ll call “verbal probing” these days. The gist of all the questions being lobbed by Buyers’ agents:  “would the Seller consider an offer significantly below the current asking price?” Thrust — and...
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“At What Price Would Your Buyer Make an Offer?”

Corollary:  “Would Your Client Accept $X for Their Home?” I don’t know about other agents, but lately I’ve been seeing an evolution in showing feedback questions regarding price opinions. The forms used to ask whether the Buyer thought the home was priced at market, and if not, what price they thought was right. Now, I’m receiving forms (and emails...
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